Benefits of an Oriel Window
Adding a modern oriel all-glass window to your home is a great way to enhance its size, usability, and comfort.
As the window protrudes out from the wall, it will actually add more space to a room both literally and figuratively, In a literal sense, the window will increase the volume of the room and figuratively, the increased light flow and lack of visual barriers to the outside will make any room appear bigger than it is.
Once installed the amount of glass will be much larger than that of a standard window. This will allow more sunlight to flow into your space which can help to increase mood and productivity.
Solar gain can also be improved, as well as more energy-efficient glass, giving your property better thermal performance and balance. If solar gain is an issue this can be controlled with specialist coatings applied to the glass when manufactured.
Is planning permission required?
If you are replacing an existing protruding window, such as a bay window or an existing oriel window, with a new modern version, then planning permission is generally not required. Likewise, if you are replacing a standard window with an oriel window at the side or rear of your home, you do not usually require planning permission.
If you plan to install an oriel window on either side of your home to the second floor, this would generally need to be obscured glazing; if you want it to be clear, you would need to check with the local authority if this is possible. As always, when making changes to your home, we recommend contacting your local building control to check there are no issues in doing so.